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ARTE 343

  • Writer's pictureNatali C

Media Education in the Artroom

Updated: Dec 8, 2021

I knew before this course that media education was important, but this course has made me realize just how important and in what ways it is important. Especially with the rise of social media, it does important for children to learn media literacy because it is important for them to understand the concept of digital citizenship. Specifically in the art room, “media education is about developing young people’s critical and creative abilities” (Why teach the Media?). Media education helps children to develop the abilities to critically look at and dissect their visual cultures and understand the impact that the media they create has on the people that view it. It is important to teach children how to create using a wide variety of media and what the type of media means to the viewer because it will help them better understand why media education is important. Knowing the difference between, for example, a poster and a stop motion video and understanding what goes into the making of both will help children realize the implications of the type of media. This is important because the media has taken over as the main socializing influence of our modern-day society and will most likely continue to be the main socializing influence in the future. The difficulties of teaching media education are that it is a relatively new area of education, as opposed to mathematics and English, so there are very limited resources and standardizations for the education of media. So, it is mostly up to the educators to decide what is important and relevant to their age groups and socioeconomic classes to teach. But, even though media education is constantly developing and changing, and educators have to adapt constantly to new forms of media, it is still something that's very important for children to learn and should be more a widespread area to be taught in schools.

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